Forest Trails HOA - Unit One
Mountain Community Overgaard, AZ
Sunrise Ski Resort
Located 1½ hours from Forest Trails - year round activities.
Community & HOA Events
4th of July Parade sponsored by Chamber
HOA Board Meetings - please check bulletin boards in our community or this website for more information.
2023 Meeting Dates-
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes: <click here>
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes (Regular Meeting): <click here>
Minutes (Special Meeting): <click here>
Forest Trails Unit One Annual Meeting & Potluck
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes (Annual Meeting): <click here>
Minutes (Organizational Meeting): <click here>
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes: <click here>
2024 Meeting Dates-
Heber-Overgaard Fire Station Conference Room, 2061 Lumber Valley Rd, Overgaard, AZ:
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes: <click here>
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes: <click here>
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes: <click here>
Announcement: <click here>
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes (Annual Meeting): <click here>
Minutes (Organizational Meeting): <click here>
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes: <click here>
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes: <click here>
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes: <click here>
Agenda: <click here>
Minutes: <click here>
2025 Meeting Dates-
Heber-Overgaard Fire Station Conference Room, 2061 Lumber Valley Rd, Overgaard, AZ:
Agenda: <click here> *NEW REVISED V3*
Minutes: <pending>
Please note: To speak during a meeting, you will need to identify yourself with name and lot number. If you have any questions or concerns please do not hesitate to contact your Board Representatives. Dates, times, and locations are subject to change. Refer back to this page for meeting agendas and minutes.
See the results of the 2018 Survey for changes to our CC&Rs HERE
Heber-Overgaard Chamber of Commerce
The Chamber sponsors many community events throughout the year.
Hashknife Pony Express
Fishing and Canoeing at Black Canyon Lake